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Why the Leader-Manager is the Ideal Executive

Leaders and managers are distinctive but complementary roles. One cannot function without the other in executive leadership. 


When it comes to preparing yourself for high-level roles, the prevailing belief is that you should stop acting like a manager and be more of a leader.  


Author and business professor, John Kotter suggests that – management and leadership are different but complementary skill sets. They need to work in tandem as you mature into an executive role.  


Knowing these fundamental differences between a leader and a manager, according to Kotter, will help you understand why one cannot function without the other. 


(Source: What Leaders Really Do by John P. Kotter, December 2001 Harvard Business Review )


 Leader vs Manager


Invest in your success by sharpening both your leadership and management skills. Reserve your spot today for the Authentic Leadership Summit and elevate your executive development. 


Authentic Leadership Summit 2020 - March 17 to 20